-Betco PB24 (24 inch) propane stripping machine with 62 hours.
-Clarkeamatic TB32 automatic scrubber and some parts scrubbers.
-VCT cleaner, stripper, wax, and misc chemicals.
-2 used propane buffers.
-I have a small enclosed trailer ($1500 OBO if buying just trailer) to transport the scrubber or other equipment.
Will sell any or all.
Items are available for Pick Up in Blackwell Oklahoma
Pretty much all you would need to start a floor business right now.
These items are the accumulation of a small janitorial business and are in various states of use.
They are dusty from being in an enclosed storage building for the last year.
Items would not be for sale if they were not operational.
There are smaller and additional items that can be added in if buyers are interested in the older scrap machines for future repairs.
Chemicals, stripping machine, and buffers are worth $3500.
other stuff included in a bulk haul away/package deal.
Retail on just the chemicals is over $2500.
Can split up items, but package price is a great deal.
More info from seller:
$3,000 for:
All chemicals.
(Full Chemical List Below)
Propane Stripping machine.
All propane buffers.
We were using a 27" and a 21".
So they were working, but we would mention some issues if there is asale.
For instance, the 27" had aclutch issue.
But we have parts buffersand I think the part on the handle needs replaced.
On the 21" I wedged something under thestarter because one of the bolts appears to be stripped.
Basically, the starter needs heldtogether.
It could probably bewelded.
I can hold it together to startthe buffer, but there is a lot of torque so having something wedged under it orotherwise holding it together is best.
All parts buffers.
4 propane tanks.
For an additional $1800:
Trailer, with cage for transporting Clarke 36"scrubbers.
All Clarke 36" automatic scrubbers.
One was in constant use, but all ourbatteries have been unused for years now.
I bought parts scrubbers because I liked the old, heavy-duty scrubbersand wanted to be able to maintain them if parts got scarce.
Battery-powered buffer.
Clarke vacuum machine (battery powered).
Any deep-cycle battery chargers we have---these arenot cheap.
Miscellaneous items we can discuss.
We may include some if we don't want to keepthem.
For instance, there are a lot ofold buckets and wringers.
Some are goodand some are junk.
We will want to keepsome of the better items.
We will wantto keep some squeegies and handles, but may have some items we can include in adeal.
Full Chemical List:
Floor Care Products List.
A rough estimate using internet sale pricesfor 8 of the 13 items listed below totals approx.
The 5 items not figured in that are #3, 7, 8,12, and 13.
Dura Wax products:
Neutra Rinse 5 gallon pails: 4 (20gal)
New and Blue Cleaner 5 gallon pails: 10 (50gal)
Auto Burnish 5 gallon pail: 1 (5gal)
Seal Gard Sealer 5 gallon pail: 2 (10gal) plus another 5 gal in opened pails
Premium 21 (21% solids) Floor Finish 5 gallonpails: 8 (40 gal) plus 20+ gal in opened pails
Glo 64 Floor Cleaner 5 gallon pails: 11 (55gal) plus 4 gal in opened pail
Dura Syn Cleaner 5 gallon pails: 2 (10gal)
Power 2 Industrial Solvent Cleaner 5 gallonpails: 3 (15 gal)
10 Gallons Betco Extreme Floor Stripper
10 GallonsBetco Untouchable Floor Wax
48 GallonsMember's Mark (Sam's Club) Floor cleaner
15 or 20gallons of Ammonia
Miscellaneous other cleaners, wax, stripper that are not in 5 gallonpails.